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Book Bub email subscription

I discovered Book Bub a free email subscription a couple of months ago.  If you have a Kindle or other reading device and enjoy reading this is a great free email subscription.  Every day you will receive an email of books that are on sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google, and Kobo.  I use Amazon, but you can choose what you prefer.  You will also select your reading preferences, such as romance, science fiction, children, non-fiction, Christian, etc.  Once you make your selections and subscribe, you will receive an email every day with books on sale, or even free books.  I have downloaded so many free books!  I will probably never be able to read them all.  The great thing, I will always have a book waiting for me to read when I have the time.  I love it so far.  I’ve read several books that kept my interest through the entire book, and only one book that I did not finish (this is usually a rare thing for me) because it was just overly romantic and repetitive.

I highly recommend BookBub if you love to read and like finding good deals!

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