New Mom at 40

Free Products with Smiley 360

Try products Free with Smiley 360

Smiley360 is an online community of influential consumers who try products and experiences for free and share their opinions with others, mostly on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  As a member, you will receive offers from the biggest brands and share your experience with that brand, as well as with friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and other consumers like you. Yes, it’s true – being a Smiley member is absolutely free! Brands really want to know what you have to say.

What do you do to become a member of Smiley 360?

Go to Smiley360 and complete a personal profile, then answer all of the survey questions.  You will earn points and badges for each section you complete.  This will also set you up for new missions that fit your profile.

Products I Have Tested

What to Expect

After you complete your profile you may be selected for a new mission.  You will be alerted by email.  Spots fill up fast, so make sure to respond quickly!  I’ve missed a few good missions because I don’t check my email frequently sometimes.  I’ve been using Smiley for just over a year now and have completed the above missions.  A lot of it depends on your profile.  I’ve declined a few missions because I knew it was a product I would not use.

You will be asked to share your opinions on social media and sometimes have the opportunity to post a review on Amazon or the product’s website.  The more social sites you are a member of, the more opportunity to earn points to complete your mission and qualify for new missions.

Keep your surveys updated.  There will be surveys to complete in between missions, these can help you qualify for future missions.

What You Will Receive For Your Missions

What you will receive can vary.  Sometimes you will receive the actual product in the mail, and sometimes you will receive a coupon.




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