New Mom at 40

How to Set Up an Easy Chicken Brooder

I’m guessing you are here because you are considering getting new baby chicks.  I’m going to help you out by showing you how to set up a chicken brooder.

What is a Chicken Brooder

A poultry brooder is a type of heated enclosure used for raising baby birds, such as baby chicks, turkey poults, or goslings. Generally, these types of animals rely on their mother for warmth, so in the mother’s absence, a heat lamp will keep them warm enough to reduce stress on their internal systems.

chicken chip bag

The brooder consists of several things:

You have multiple options when it comes to setting up a brooder.  You may even have a few things on hand that you will need.

How do you Make a Chicken Brooder?

Let’s start with the brooder container.  You chicks will need a secure container to run around, stay warm, eat, and drink in.

What Heat Source do you use for a Chicken Brooder?

  1. The heating plate is my top choice for a brooder.  It is safe and similar to a hen because the chicks snuggle under the heat and close to it.  You can adjust the height of the plate easily and there is no chance of fire.
  2. A heat lamp is another option.  They are usually inexpensive and not hard to use. I have used a ceramic heat lamp. It puts off heat, but no red light. It’s also safer to use. My biggest issue with a heat lamp is the fire risk.  They must be secure in order to prevent fires.
  3. An infrared Heater is an option I like too. I use it mostly for my hedgehog. It is great for generating heat in the brooder’s space and would be great if you had lots of chicks, so they are not fighting over the heat source.

Tell Me What Brooder Temperatures Do Chicks Need?

What Food do you Need for Baby Chicks

This is pretty simple, Baby Chicken feed.  I like to at least start out with the medicated food. Your chickens will also need something to eat from. Any shallow dish will do, but you can get a feeder like this one.

What is the Best Water Source for Baby Chicks?

A simple chicken waterer as pictured below is perfect for baby chicks and can also be used when they grow older.

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