New Mom at 40

The Best Chickens for Kids

Are you looking for egg-laying hens that are kid-friendly?  I know the feeling.  When we made the decision to start raising chickens, we wanted the best chickens for kids.  We have raised chickens for many years and I would like to share with you our favorite breeds.

Raising chickens has been a wonderful and fun experience for our family.  There are so many breeds of chickens it can be overwhelming.  I’m still discovering breeds we have not yet owned.  If you have decided it’s time for you to start raising egg-laying chickens, this is the place to start!

Best Chickens for Kids

Plymouth Barred Rock

Our first hens were Plymouth Barred Rocks.  They lay a light brown egg and are very easy with small children. Barred Rocks are calm and have a friendly nature.   My daughter was 4-years-old when we got our first chickens and there were never any issues.  If you are wanting a rooster to go along with your hens, stay away from the Barred Rock rooster, they are mean!  At least, the one we had was.  He was promptly rehomed to a farmer with no children.  He was happy to protect a new set of ladies.  I will tell you, that our rooster stories were hilarious, but being attacked is no fun!

White Leghorn

White Leghorn are great layers and laid back.  These ladies are the best egg-laying chickens for kids. They have a low feed-to-egg ratio, which makes them one of the most cost-effective breeds. They lay white eggs. We had wonderful luck with a White Leghorn roo.  The nicest rooster and very protective of his ladies. This is him in the picture below.


Orpingtons are a gentle breed for children.  A Buff Orpington would top the list. They are sweet, quiet, and gentle-natured. They are broody and family-oriented. Orpingtons are soft and huggable. These kid-friendly hens lay cream or light tan eggs.


Cochins are a larger breed of bird, but super adorable.  They are gentle giants and a calm breed.  They are usually easy to catch because of their larger size. Cochins make great mommas, becoming broody sometimes twice a year.  They handle cold weather well with their buxom figures and abundance of feathers. They lay brown eggs.


We love our little Polish hen.  She is super friendly and doesn’t mind being carried around. These friendly hens are good egg layers, laying white eggs. They rarely go broody and are very gentle, full of personality, and lightweight. No one can resist their fantastic head feathers! They are great chickens for kids. Polish chickens are great-looking and come in so many colors.


Silkies.  We do not have silkies but I have read up on them a lot.  They are soft and fluffy and have fuzzy feathers.  Silkies have a sweet and caring nature and love hugs. These hens do not have a high egg production.  The reason we do not have Silkies is that they are not a super hardy breed.  We live in the country and have very hot summers and cold winters, so I’m not sure we have the best environment for them.

If you have kids, these are all good starter breeds. I hope you find these to be the most kid-friendly chickens like I do. They are mild-mannered and enjoy human company.  I know that we have enjoyed all of these breeds, but the Silkies. 

Fun Gifts for Chicken Loving Kids

Facts About Chickens

Fun Facts about Chickens for Kids

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